Review for:
Commsupport Networks
Commsupport Networks
Commsupport Networks24/26 Arcadia Avenue. Finchley Central, London N3 2JU0800 88 247 26
First of all, a very big THANK YOU!! It was a pleasure to be learning from you. I wanted to do the CCNA Training course for a long time. My aim was to enrol for a course conducted by a good tutor and which was not very expensive. When I saw your course on the internet, I immediately registered for it. The bonus of this course was the labs. It is very rare to see training companies offer this kind of service without any additional costs. The course length and content was perfectly right. Your knowledge and dedication to each of us was very amazing and I am sure all the other delegates on the course agree with me. The practical sessions that we had helped me a lot understand each area in more detail and grasp different things which are difficult to achieve from the theory. I am looking forward to join the CCNP course as soon as I pass my CCNA Exam. I will definitely recommend this course to my friends.