DMS Installations - Aberdeen, United Kingdom

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DMS Installations
Unit 4, Ground Floor, Aberdeen, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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DMS Energy Solutions specialise in commercial EPC Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, solar panels glasgow, Scotland, Loft, Cavity, Underfloor Insulation Glasgow as well as gas boiler installation and servicing and Green Deal Finance.

5 reasons an EPC Aberdeencan reduce your energy costs
Many property owners, sellers and landlords are aware of the legal requirement to provide an EPC to their potential buyers or tenants, but they might often disregard the potential benefits the EPC can have in reducing the associated energy costs and making the property more attractive once on the market. To help them better understand these DMS Energy Solutions, a registered EPC assessor in Scotland created a list of 5 tops reasons on how an EPC Aberdeen can reduce the overall energy costs of the  
Show more property. But first a general explanation of what an EPC actually is and why it is beneficial for sellers and landlords in the area of Aberdeen is required.

What is an EPC?

An EPC is an abbreviation standing for Energy Performance Certificate. Introduced in 2007 in UK it is a legal document required by law when a property is built, sold or rented. According to the Scottish law an EPC should be displayed within the property at all times and be made available to potential buyers and tenants, to enable them to make an informed decision about their investment. As the certificate includes a lot of information and recommendations on how to improve the energy efficiency of the property it can help significantly reduce your energy costs. For the area of Aberdeen, where property prices and rents are continuously increasing, an EPC with good energy performance can play a significant role in attracting potential buyers and tenants. Here is how an EPC can reduce your energy costs.
1.Fuel costs-based energy efficiency rating
An EPC rates a property according to its energy efficiency on a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). This is based on the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of the property and is colour-coded from green to red. The most energy efficient band A is in green and the least energy efficient band G is in red. As this rating is a strong indicator of how much the running costs of the property are it can help a potential buyer or tenant to choose a property with lower energy costs. For a sample EPC click here.

2.Quality energy and fuel cost estimations

An EPC Aberdeen contains a table with all current energy costs and CO2 emissions of the property, alongside estimated energy costs and CO2 emissions in the case that a range of recommendations are implemented. These include lighting, heating and hot water current and approximated costs. These are listed in cash terms enabling a potential buyer or tenant to better calculate how much money they could save if they implement the recommendations.

3.Performance summary

The EPC contains a summary of all the property’s energy performance-related features such as roof, floor, windows, walls, heating, lighting and hot water. These features are assessed individually and rated as “Very good”, “Good”, “Average”, “Poor” or “Very poor”. Based on them an assessor will decide on the property's overall energy efficiency and environmental impact ratings. This detailed performance summary is very useful in identifying potential areas of improvement and could help you reduce your energy costs.

4.Recommendations for energy efficiency improvement

The EPC also outlines a list of actions that could be undertaken to improve the energy efficiency of the property, including the typical annual savings that could be achieved as a result. There are three types of improvement classified as “lower cost measures” of the value of up to £500, “medium cost measures” and “higher cost measures” above £500. It is estimated that implementing medium cost measures can lead to annual savings of over £400.

5.Access to funding

The EPC Aberdeen can also be used to get access to Government funding through the Green Deal Scheme. The Green Deal Scheme was launched in 2011 and is designed to help people improve the energy efficiency of their properties. An EPC is a required document for people who what to access funding though this scheme. The overall improvement achieved as a result of the funding can significantly reduce your energy costs.

Get an EPC Aberdeen

Are you ready to take the next step towards reducing your energy costs? DMS Energy Solutions can help. As a registered assessor we can provide assessment and advice regarding all energy efficiency-related topics. Our EPC Aberdeen service is affordable and of high quality with no hidden taxes and fees. Contact us today to learn more on how you can significantly reduce your energy costs.


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